Lower Lackawanna Valley Sanitary Authority

The LLVSA is a body corporate and politic organized on August 12th, 1966 by the Boroughs of Avoca, Dupont, and Duryea, located in Luzerne County, and the Boroughs of Old Forge and Taylor, located in Lackawanna County, under the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Act of 1945, (the “Act”), as amended.

On April 20th, 2010, the LLVSA filed with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of State, a Certificate of Amendment extending the LLVSA Articles of Incorporation to the year 2060.

The LLVSA owns, operates, and maintains a wastewater treatment system, which consists of the following.

  • 1 Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • 16.47 Miles of Sewage Interceptor Piping
  • 310 Sewage Manhole Structures
  • 14 Combined Sewer Overflow Structures
  • 1 Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment Facility
  • 1 Office Building

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